Holy flipping fuck: My bill before insurance at the hospital last week was just under $16k. D:
@zetasyanthis *hugs tight* ;~;
@mawr Hey, I am alive, and that's a really big thing considering how horribly sick I was before I made it to the ER. >.<
@mawr Err, that was supposed to be a shrug face, not a faceplant face. And *huuugs*
@zetasyanthis *hugs so tight*
@mawr *hugs tight* Going to do some processing on it tomorrow with Zoe. Tbh, I haven't really internalized it yet, and I need to.
@zetasyanthis *nods!* That's a hell of a thing to go through. >..<
I wish that didn't hurt so much financially after the physical. D:
@mawr Well, luckily, my annual bonus came in just in time to get eaten by it! XD
@mawr That seems to happen every year somehow. XD
@zetasyanthis Auuugh. X3
@mawr Tbh, every time it happens, I just think of how lucky I am that I'm not as fucked as so, so many. >.<
@mawr Also, I just realized I'm going to hit max out of pocket, so I think my chunk is going to get reduced from $3100 or so to about $2100, which helps a lot!
Going to owe 20% of that, it looks like. Don't know what I'd have done without insurance and a really good job to cover my part of all my medical expenses. I'm pretty sure I'd have been dead long long ago. ;_;