Kink: fat, fae stuff
One of my favorite things is when people tell me what they're imagining about my size. Dictating a size for me to be, describing it as they see it... My fae side loves a story, and if you press just firm enough I can feel desire, then I tend to slip into your story. In other words, if you want to see me at a specific size, you just need to want it enough to describe it to me
Kink: fat, fae stuff
@Oneironott stories are powerful, wonderful things. A touch of whimsy given to our words, symbols form from alternate meanings, a taste of the dream
Kink: fat, fae stuff
@BigFatFae *GRINS* No wonder I've suspected to be fae
I know exactly what you mean~
The story that is so much more than a story~ but a window~