Thinking a bit about basically the whisper network that's I've ended up in when it comes to my own particular corner of non-binary transition and expression.
Realizing this must be what it was like for trans folks in general, a couple decades ago.
Wondering what the emotional toll difference is like, between "all these other folks are getting their needs met in a much more straightforward way" and "no one else even understands that people might have these needs"
@indi Me talking to friends, 10+ years ago:
‹So I've got some gender stuff happening—›
«Oh, you're a girl now, awesome!»
‹Well, no, I'm sort of some of each and lots of neither and I prefer gender non-specific pronouns and....›
« *blank stares, crickets* »
‹...but I suppose I'm a little closer to ‘girl’ than ‘boy’, so fem pronouns will work.›
‹To my surprise, I think I really do want genital surgery—›
«Oh, you're a girl now, awesome!»
‹Well, no, but... *sigh* Sure, whatever.›
@ElectricKeet Yup, much congruence here.
I think the main diff for me is ending up just barely on the other side of that girl/boy line (in addition to being way down low in intensity on both), which is a big part of what made me just try to bury the whole thing in general until I could get SOME sort of sign of external awareness of stuations like mine. As incomplete and frustrating as it usually is.
@ElectricKeet Also I'm sorry for all the times I (obviously or not) lumped you into the 'girl' group myself. Sometimes it's a lot easier for me to see (and obsess about) the differences over the similarities.
@literorrery @indi Cognitive biases are like that.
Actually, I'm seriously tempted to start using the monkey-face 🐵 emoji as shorthand for "Here, I consciously acknowledge the cognitive biases that influence my thoughts in ways I'm not necessarily happy about!"