Psychiatric pharmaceuticals I have known and... known.
When I started on duloxetine, the first few days saw me getting ultra-strong urges to nap through midday, even while on dextroamphetamine. (Cymbalta overpowered Adderall. Sounds like a Pokémon fight, yeah?) This faded to merely occasionally feeling like I wanted to nap the day away.
Now that I'm well into TMS, that side effect is coming back with a vengeance. Today, I'm trying to fight it off long enough to make some business-hours calls.
Psychiatric pharmaceuticals I have known and... known.
@ElectricKeet Oh hey, you qualified for the daily degaussings?
Psychiatric pharmaceuticals I have known and... known.
@Momentrabbit I did! But apparently only because of a "typo" in the insurance company's legalese defining what's covered, and apparently they scrambled to have a fix up the very next day.
Yeah, they really wanted me to suffer another few months of having the same class of drugs fail to work, mostly so they could delay the shorter-duration-but-more-expensive-appearing treatment until my deductible reset.
Smash capitalism.
Psychiatric pharmaceuticals I have known and... known.
@ElectricKeet *sigh* Those fuckers.
Psychiatric pharmaceuticals I have known and... known.
The TMS is meant to sort out the area of the brain that's full of depression juice. My best guess, therefore, is that it's working "too well", meaning my current duloxetine regimen is now more than I actually need.
So it's good news, if annoying.