@starkatt I'd support your nomination, and also nominate the Schrödinger wave equation. It looks so simple. Deceptively simple. _It lies._
@Felthry (farthest I got was a couple half-remembered semesters of college calculus.)
@starkatt It's a differential equation to find an eigenfunction, basically. iħ∂/∂t |Ψ(r,t)⟩ = [-ħ²/(2μ)∇² + V(r,t)] |Ψ(r,t)⟩
The problem is, there is a finite number (I think it was three?) of non-trivially distinct functions V such that Ψ has a unique solution (up to choice of gauge)
@Felthry I'll confess, my math isn't nearly strong enough to actually understand it.