lewd, weird
consider: breastmaws
lewd, weird
@Felthry bitey boobies
re: lewd, weird
@Motodrachen agreed, though I call them breastmaws because something about the word lipples (and nipples, actually) sounds really weird and wrong to us for some reason
re: lewd, weird
@Felthry Rest a cutie against your chest, then whisper sweet nothings into their ears.
re: lewd, weird
@Felthry NO
re: lewd, weird
@pexl I mean this is legitimately something I'm into and you see it done well a lot but I guess it can come off kind of horror-ish >.>
re: lewd, weird
@Felthry from the perspective of somebody who has breasts... idk, imagine a very sensitive, soft, personal part of your body A. Opening up and B. Having hard foreign objects inside it (teeth)
re: lewd, weird
@Motodrachen @Felthry what would be in there if not teeth?! D:
re: lewd, weird
@pexl @Motodrachen tongues and stuff! I dunno, I like the aesthetic, but like many of the thing sI'm into it doesn't hold up to real-world scrutiny.
Nah, that seemed pretty properly CW'd.
*offers @Felthry soff hugs, hopes the discourse monsters don't come taking it away.*
@Motodrachen I honestly can't agree with that considering how awful e621 is
we stopped using it years ago after someone posted a commission we got and it got downvoted to hell and viciously ridiculed in the comments, and the mod team said that DNP is for artists only, not commissioners
@Motodrachen also it's run by the same people as bad dragon and all that
@Motodrachen I just use weasyl anyway.
@Felthry btw I wasn’t really upset or anything
@pexl okay that's good to hear
I just got similar responses from a number of people and it's just kind of realizing that a lot of people find the things I find hot to be really disturbing
re: lewd, weird
boobs that can kiss back!