re: question about video game terminology
and especially where the *fuck* does that je-/ge- prefix come from because everything else we can either guess from context or have already had explained to us but for some reason the fact that that prefix is there and either no one knows why or no one will tell us why is *incredibly* frustrating right now
re: question about video game terminology
@Felthry looking it up, apparently the answer is "Community Effort (Orlando) member Jebailey of Twitch" and that it's used as an emote when a streamer has been tricked by their chat into believing something completely false. I have no idea why the "ge" instead unless it's a mutation.
re: question about video game terminology
@yaodema we've literally never seen it in writing, the ge was our own invention due to not knowing how to spell it
re: question about video game terminology
@Felthry wait, people say this out loud? oh dear.
re: question about video game terminology
@yaodema yes and i hate it