Telegram, part trois
No response from Telegram support to my question about contact permissions. Hm.
I guess I now get to decide whether I want to let it back on my phone, when I’m reasonably certain it’s scraping new data or someone is actively misusing the contact identification features of the app. I guess I need to assess whether I’m prepared for it to out my private profile to more family and coworkers before proceeding.
Not an easy decision to make, but I might just say fuck it.
Telegram, part trois
I am not out to family or out at work. My leading presumption is that (a) the Mormon branch of my family will become extremely aggressive, (b) it’s career-limiting to have a furry identity known by coworkers in my field, and (c) it makes it very difficult for me to share personal thoughts not endorsed by my employer.
Re-evaluating these, I think I might... finally be in a position in which I can weather them okay, when and if they happen?
re: Telegram, part trois
@Goldkin Okay so like... why is B a thing, I thought infosec was presumed super furry, and C supposing someone did see your Telegram profile, it sounds super invasive for them to then seek out anything where you've said disparaging things from your name??
re: Telegram, part trois
@Taylor So this is mostly me evaluating how safe it is to mingle the data, knowing that the industry I work in might still not be safe. I want to switch industries when I finally make the jump, but I’m not sure if that’ll be viable in the US for some time. So, decisions.