The ability of my Amazon spybot to provide white-noise sleep sounds, and act as an alarm clock it great. But I have apparently learned to tell miss Alexa to stop the alarm, without actually gaining consciousness.
Time to buy an alarm clock that can survive my level of abuse... I have committed multiple counts of Aggravated Chronometracide
@KoBunny Mentioned the snack boxes we are trying...Lesson of the day: a bite of a nice brie, and a green grape together make a joyful song in your mouth!
A bit of peanut butter, and a white grape do not make anything reminiscent of PB&J.
I I believe my @KoBunny has a lot of purpose in life, and in my life... This is just one of the more important ones for me.
Therapist Rant TL/DR
I get stuck on the question: So when people come in and have self diagnosed via numerous google searches do you want to Laugh or Cry?
The internet as a diagnostic tool is about as hit or miss a using a random number generator to win at power ball. In most medical cases all roads lead to cancer! But in the mental health sphere, it gets worse... All roads lead to Sociopath, Psychopath, Schizophrenia or may be caused by brain cancer...
Thanks today - My Brain Hurts!
Now existing in two spaces at once... Thank's @vahnj
A stout snow-ermine, with a strange indigo ring.
All pronouns with good intentions. Often prone to wandering - but rarely lost.