shameless career-grubbing, AI, networking or something, possibly necromancy 

So I've developed an extremely dorky new hobby, apparently: asking OpenAI geography and history questions and fact-checking the results.

(e.g., "What are the three leading theories about the Sea Peoples" actually got a pretty accurate reply. "Which US comedian is responsible for the phrase 'chicken mambo dogpatch' got a very confident, detailed, "fact"-filled wrong guess.)

I swear I came by this hobby semi-honestly. I was doing research for an @anthracite co-project that's going to be a pretty vicious anti-AI satire.

But it also dawned on me, you know, there are probably people who are looking to *hire* people to do this very thing. Or there will be soon,. And fact-checking is basically what I already do for a living. And I'm apparently pretty fucking good at it, good enough that I'm now training people in it.

Should... I contact a recruiter or something? I'm not really looking to leave my current job, but I know it won't last forever and if this is gonna be the next Mildly Evil Thing I gotta do to make a living, I should start making contacts and educational plans now.

Sigh. Gonna be a spirit conjurer. What would my sweet Catholic grandma have thought?!

re: shameless career-grubbing, AI, networking or something, possibly necromancy 

Swing and a miss, my friend. Better luck next compile.

re: shameless career-grubbing, AI, networking or something, possibly necromancy 

It's so good to feel seen and protected. This feels like the sort of warm, loving artificial friend who would wear an LGBT Pride Month pin all through July 🙃


re: shameless career-grubbing, AI, networking or something, possibly necromancy 

@zebratron2084 why are you dealing with this THING made by rich people to destroy working peoples' livelihoods?

And I know it's not the art or writing versions but I still cannot trust it to be anything else.

re: shameless career-grubbing, AI, networking or something, possibly necromancy 

@Leucrotta Haha, because I have a suspicion that will someday be the only way I can earn a living.

If you want to spare me from this, support the comic/cartoon (if we ever get it rolling), so I can get paid to mock and scorn AI instead. That's the only reason I set foot in that vile kingdom. 😼

But I mean, really... is it that far out of line with the ethical damage I'm already taking for working for a German automotive consortium?​

re: shameless career-grubbing, AI, networking or something, possibly necromancy 

@Leucrotta Also after pondering it a bit more, I don't think I'd be comfortable taking a job in that industry that was anything *but* "you are giving me a bunch of bullshit generated by an AI and you are asking me to correct it because you want to give people actual facts." I'm not sure why that's so important to me, but it is, and that's interesting. 🤔

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