mortality; personal stuff; plea for assistance
My Uncle Bob just died. I just got the phone call. Mom was wrecked.
I was already in bad shape over other stuff. Bob and I weren't super-close, and as far as that goes I'm okay. It's still hitting. But it's devastating my mom and stepdad, and I might have to be spending a lot of emotional resources on other people's sanity.
I don't have those resources right now. I don't know where to turn for help regaining them. Peg is doing all she can, but...
mortality; personal stuff; plea for assistance
@zebratron2084 If there is anything I can do, please let me know. *the_huggings*
mortality; personal stuff; plea for assistance
@Momentrabbit And she says back, in her own infinite serenity, "Sweetie, you know I can't do nothin' about it." And I say, "I know, Antler Mom. I know. You don't have to. You're there." *hug*
mortality; personal stuff; plea for assistance
@Momentrabbit Thanks, darlin'. You've already given me someone to pray to. *solemn hug*