Friends, thank you for bearing with me during this long period of mental health ickiness.
@ElectricKeet I am glad you're having a good moment: I wish you many more.💜
Friends, thank you for bearing with me during this long period of mental health ickiness.
@ElectricKeet Perhaps, metaphorically as well as literally, spring is coming after too long a winter.
Friends, thank you for bearing with me during this long period of mental health ickiness.
@Momentrabbit Thank you! Today's clarity and positivity is a welcome break from yesterday, which was... well, the sort of thing I usually have when I'm completely untreated for the stew of ugly in my head. No TMS for months, no focus meds (needed a day off), a day without cannabis (to follow a day of celebratory indulgence!), and I think my allergy meds (loratadine) might have aggravated things somewhat.