Dear awoo: Is something still a taur if its first set of limbs can't grasp things?
@irisjaycomics This, for instance. The upper body is upright, but the first set of limbs are just regular wolf paws.
(There was a discussion about what would happen if a taur were bit by a werewolf)
@irisjaycomics That's the side I'm on, but my conversational partner argues that the first set of limbs need to be capable of grasping. I suppose a different, interesting argument could be that they need to be able to use/manipulate tools?
@irisjaycomics taurtris
@typhlosion @Mous Not stock, but Praying mantis taurs are re-got-damn-diculous
@Mous Absolutely! There are subcategorizations of taur that it wouldn't qualify for, but at least in my book, it's a taur if it's any combination of feral lower and anthro upper.