kinstuff, wistful
I wish i could feel it attached there. the sweet curve of it flowing in transition to my lower back.
Feel how it rests on my rump, draped down low. To just feel sexier with it in that. Right, with my hips and rump and tail.
I wish i could feel the heft of it. Feel the swaying to my gait and the wind against it. Feel -so- many things against it.
To feel it entwine with my lovers’ tails in embrace, or sleeping back to back with them and sleeping with them twisted and entwined.
Hi im vloelei and im more infatuated with tails than you think i am
@Oneironott "Vloe, do you take this tail-" "o-OH YES, *YYEESS!!*" "NOT ON THE ALTAR, VLOE!!!" n.n
(first three rows are 'splash rows') 💦
@Momentrabbit 0:3 best wedding ever
“Vloe if you love tails so much why don’t you-” *is already walking down the isle*