Hey buddies, how's it going tonight?
@vahnj Oooh neat!
I just got back from a hike and showered. Now I'm trying to figure out what I need to do, which is a lot. a) Looking for a second job, and b) setting up my Medi-Cal. So hopefully my brain fuzz settles soon and I can get stuff figured out.
@Sparrow i hope both end up being easier than they sound!!
@vahnj I hope so too!! Although for tonight I've decided my brain is too fuzzy and I'd rather draw and relax.
But tomorrow I'll make sure to do some things. I think I'll read the Medi-Cal packet and update my resume.
It's a lot so sometimes bite-sized pieces are the way to go.
@Sparrow hell yeah draw some cool stuff
@vahnj Okay I'll do my best! :P
@Sparrow hi sparrow! I've had a rough day but I'm picking the pieces so i can still go to bed feeling alright. how was your hike??
Aww, well I admire your determination. That can be a difficult thing to do.
My hike was great! The part of the bay area I'm in is a little smokey, but not too bad. I went with an old friend, and we had some nice discussions. Also it was a huge workout for me! So I needed that.
@Sparrow aw yeah, that sounds like a good hike! fall is my favorite hiking season, I've been anxious for some cooler weather over here on the east coast :x
@hvee It's my favorite too. :3 I thought it was cooling down out here, but it was ~ 83 F when I went out today. Definitely not the 100+ of the summer, but still warmish.
@Sparrow gotta take what you can get!! we're hitting 40s at night now so even if the hi breaks 70, we're getting consistent cooling at night :3
@hvee For sure. We're getting 40s at night and in the mornings too. It just warms up a lot between 9 am and 11 am.
@Sparrow I am trying to peel myself from the computer so I can cross stitch and sleep. It has not worked very well so far.
Hehehe, I hear that. What are you cross-stitching?
My plan is to draw and then sleep, so fairly similar on my end.
@Sparrow I just finished an enby flag pendant. :3
@somekindofcrow Ooooh, pics please?? (I usually use the trans flag for myself, but the enby flag is a good thing! <3)
@Sparrow Don't have one for the new pendant yet and the light in here is too terrible for photo but here's a bunch I've made before.
I started w/ trans pride flag but when I wear it Normal People are like wtf is that so I made the rainbow one to wear so I can be visibly queer... :3
@somekindofcrow I love them!!
(Personally I think the trans flag is plenty visibly queer, buuuut having a rainbow flag on hand has its uses)
@Sparrow Thanks!
(Yeah totally. The problem is that when people don't know what it is it doesn't really work... so I wear both. >.<)
@Sparrow I'm prepping upgrades for Masto 2.0! how're you?