health scare, dental stuff
So last week I broke down and got my first dental cleaning in over five years.
And one of the hygienists found a lump. They didn't test it then and there because I wasn't sure what lump they were talking about, so I didn't know if it had been there for not. But I finally found what I think they were talking about... and yeah, it's been there for about a month.
I scheduled an oral cancer screening for this Tuesday.
health scare, dental stuff
I freaked myself out completely at first with the fact that, well, it is a little red sore, and it hasn't healed in about a month. But then I called home and talked to my mom a little for some reassurance, and...
Well, I'll level with you. It's tiny. It's literally smaller than the head of a pin. It's not even particularly raised, it's just a tiny little red divot. If I understand right, it's like Stage 0.0001 and they are profoundly likely to nail it.
health scare, dental stuff
@zebratron2084 Oh goodness! I'm so glad it was caught so early!
Best of luck, hon. Wishing you all the health.
health scare, dental stuff
@zebratron2084 Sounds good, then! High chances!