Alterhuman bodyfeels
Woke up this morning with a terrible soreness at the base of my tail. Been stretching it and trying to treat it okay all morning. Siting awkwardly forward on a bus seat to not squash it.
Which tail, you might ask?
Apparently I'm the kobold today. Tail's thicker than usual at the base and the tip barely brushes the ground if I point it directly down.
bodyfeels continued
@emanate So...I've basically swapped phantom kobold tail for phantom tailfeathers and wings. Shapeshifting, whee.
Still more of a toy emulating a bird. Worrying that I never get the beak quite right.
(As a note, this phantom appendage stuff doesn't actually happen to me very often, but it's always amusing when it does. )
bodyfeels, update
@Oneironott @emanate there are a lot of threats made about putting in a toy box in the back. That way when they pun too much I can just switch them off and put them in there for a while. =n.n=
bodyfeels, update
@emanate Told my boss (@KoBunny ) that I needed to go "put my feathers on" before the store opened. :-P
Like...clearly the toy can emulate being a bird, but worries that ve'll get it wrong.