@Felthry i feel this a lot. Both can be a struggle, especially that secone one. I'm still trying as best i can. Damn tho the world would be a way better place if a lot of ppl werent apparently completely incapable of number 1???????
Like a lot of ppls' instinct, instead of self-examination, is to double down or even have an emotional freakout. Uy.
@Felthry yaaaa. I mean I get it: it feels bad to have that realization. But you gotta pull yourself above it.
....I guess that's a pretty tall order, tho. Requires a level of self-awareness that a lot of folks dont have
@glowinthed0rk well I know I have emotional freakouts along the lines of "oh no i did a wrong thing and now everyone is going to hate me" because Anxiety but at least I recognise that it's a wrong thing and don't try to delude myself into thinking it was a right thing.