Such a good article:
Why Nerds Hate Furries:
"in furry, where the fandom was uniquely focused on giving free reign to individual expression and where there’s no one single corporate canon, these same anti-LGBTQ arguments were a harder sell. Without the psychological divide between creators and consumers, no official gatekeeper could declare something to be incompatible with 'furry canon.'"
(h/t @xurnami )
@zebratron2084 Yeah, self-loathing is a thing too; see also the comment at the bottom that mentions that regarding the Burned Fur cofounder not otherwise mentioned in the article.
group dynamics
@indi @xurnami we (in the most vague sense) have always sought for outsider-groups; Ones who it is acceptable to 'kick down' at.
I use 'kick down' in the sense not of privilege-minority-status but in the sense of "Yeah, but we're not like those freaks". This is a common thing in subcultures, be they minorities, fandoms, etc. There is the almost universal.. Seeking out of the Acceptable Target, and when one becomes culturally unacceptable, a new one must be found.
group dynamics
@xurnami @indi It's something distinct from an anger towards a perceived oppressor, in that it explicitly seeks another group who are othered to place on a lower rung on the heirarchy of acceptability and vent your anger on, to imitate the oppressions that are done to you on a group who, for whatever reason is given, it is acceptable to hate.
@indi Fascinating -- no mention of the fact he WAS one of them?! Isn't Agouti Rex the same guy as The New Meat, who launched that hilariously lame attack on me ON CRUSH YIFF DESTROY?! Feels like that should at least be due diligence. *cackle*
I mean, I've forgiven the guy, but for me it's like watching Albert Speer try to rend his garments at the Wailing Wall and hope to get taken seriously. :p