@chalcedony@octodon.social this one is just a classic z -> z^2+c, but it doesn't use iteration count, it uhh
basically the iteration records how close the orbit gets to zero on each axis and then returns a complex number representing that information, and i turn that number into coordinates from which to sample a texture
this is the texture i used for this image: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/319984213841412096/355213234443386880/transtry2.png
@typhlosion Oh is THAT how that works. I'm actually really embarassed I didn't figure that out even after you showed the gradient you used.
@typhlosion Hi I don't consider myself a coder anymore but I did write myself a mandelbrot renderer on my TI-82.
I copied it from a website but still.
@indi hell yeah, mine was on a TI-83+
also wrote a wolfram cellular automaton and figured out how to make a square and various flower shapes with the polar graph
@typhlosion Basically this is all because one of my dad's coworkers pre-installed Fractint on the family 386 before giving it to us. I remember the first night we had that thing sitting at the kitchen table during dinner, just watching it render stuff. ^.^
@indi yesss fractint is rad