Day job, boss, accomodations (+,+,+)
So about once a month, my boss sends me a meeting invite for a 1 on 1 check in. The subject is usually something like "$Orthosona/$boss_Name 1:!" with no context in the invite body.
Needless to say, the lack of information was a VERY reliable way of stressing me the fuck out and basically filling up all my emotional buffers with dread, anxiety and worry.
So I asked him to change the invite contents a little, provide some more context and make the subject a little less... unpersonalized.
Today, I got an invite for "$orthosona and $boss_name friendly check-in time" with an invite message of "Just want to meet to see how things are going and generally catch up!"
being heard and having my needs remembered and accommodated for took a lot of anger and frustration i was having this morning from other work stuff and just... disappeared it.
My boss is as much of one of the good ones as you can have in a boss. I'm happy to work for him.
re: Day job, boss, accomodations (+,+,+)
@wobblewuffess I definitely will!