@Momentrabbit I don't want to be some predatory shrieky-bird. Down that path lies Mordana and the old bad boundary management path. That didn't work and it wouldn't have worked here.
I stood my ground. I defined the limit of what I deemed acceptable behavior and I stayed engaged and present until the other party withdrew. It went further than any confrontation hge as in years and th at rattled me, but I survived it. I can do this.
I just may need lots of recovery time afterwards.
@literorrery I spoke with a certain morbid whimsy, as I usually do, but I was addressing something genuine. You *did* redirect an unwarranted attack, weathered and parried it without escalation, and remained present in the moment until the aggressor retreated. My congratulations are genuine: reinvention is *hard work*, and easy to overdo.
I expect the aftermath will get somewhat easier with practice. 💜