... you realize that making the tools you really want to make as you want to make them probably involves handling toxic chemicals and your devotion to woo doesn't extend to literal madness via self-poisoning.
@literorrery I...uhm...what exactly do you need Cinnabar for? o.o
@KoBunny Making a wand.
@KoBunny Hence why I said I don't actually "need" any, but it would be the right substance for the job.
@literorrery I feel the same way about chipfabs, actually.
Cinnabar -- salt of mercury sulfide -- is hard to buy, toxic in powdered form, and expensive. It's the right tool and if I had all the spare time in the world and capitalism were a solved problem it'd be worth considering. I have to balance the practical with the effective.
I still want some. I just probably can't afford to use it in absolutely everything, for a variety of reasons.