Headspace snapshot (- - -)
So, work is, well,
It's been weeks since I've fixed a computer. I've been eyes deep in spreadsheets. I've had more meetings with the CIO than my manager. Each meeting feels like I'm getting away from my competencies and being pushed into things i feel like I'm not prepared to do. So that's been really hard to deal with. I really feel strong fixing technology, not fixing the company. Even though fixing the company is a huge opportunity.
It's not me.
Headspace snapshot (- - -)
@kelseyhusky Mmf. That's a painful and frustrating spot in which to be.
Headspace snapshot (- - -)
@kelseyhusky *pettin's* You're a good pupper and you're trying really hard at an unfamiliar task in a stressful situation. It's okay for you to say you're stressed out and upset.