Rant about women's jeans
I hate the pockets in women's jeans.
They're either so small they're useless, or instead of vertically deep, they figure instead women want horizontally deep pockets.
Who the fuck wants pockets that reach to the zipper seam, but aren't deep enough to put more than your second knuckle into?!
WHY WOULD ANYONE INTENTIONALLY DESIGN POCKETS LIKE THIS?! Is this just misogyny in action in the design departments of jean manufacturers? Like.. WHY
Rant about women's jeans
@mawr I remember reading a big long thing, i think on Birbhellsite, explaining that yes, it's basically misogyny in action, having to do with handbags and women being prevented from carrying much of use by being "ladylike." it's pretty infuriating, and is one of the primary reasons I buy men's cut jeans. :|
Rant about women's jeans
@mawr yes, I don’t remember where but it’s a holdover of prior fears of women being armed, so tiny pockets.
@LexYeen Sure! I'd be interested to see some info on it. The other theories I've seen are interesting; it sounds like a many faceted thing all with origins in hella-misogyny, though. >:(
Rant about women's jeans
@mawr I think it has something to do with wanting to pressure women to buy purses, so they can have one more expensive thing to sell people.