US Politics
If you haven't yet heard what Jeff Flake [R-AZ] had to say on the Senate floor yesterday, I highly recommend watching this video.
( Video: "'I will not be complicit or silent': Flake's retirement speech, in three minutes" [3:03]
Related article with detail follows, including a followup interview video. )
US Politics
@Leucrotta Oh, believe me: I totally see this as too little, too late-- but at least it's a public statement against this shit from a long standing member of the responsible party.
That gives me hope for a change of tide. That statement will almost assuredly ring true with the majority of the Republican base. This marks the beginning of an important turning point in our political discourse.
US Politics
@mawr @Leucrotta I'd just like to say that I'd feel a lot better if we could get to a middle of the turning point instead of having to get a new beginning of a turning point ever week after some new revelation gets bounced around by the same talking heads for 15 minutes until the next one shows up.