so! i made a tiny shell script to replace mg
(microemacs) with normal emacs, but with a secondary tiny config that files off a few of the rough edges, runs in a terminal, but is otherwise extremely fast~
it uses nothing not already included in emacs itself, has mouse support, doesn't do that annoying .#
and ~
backup file thing, but otherwise is just plain emacs!
@thingywott …I think I misunderstood something
@noiob ahah, for context, there is a tiny emacs-like editor i use in leiu of nano called "mg" which is really nice!
but also, there are a few limitations it has, so i basically made a script to replace it with normal emacs, configured to also be extremely fast and light in CLI, since my main reason for not using emacs itself for tiny edits is that it still has perceivable startup time~