question for you veteran Tooters. I have noticed a trend where the CW line is used mostly as a subject line instead of its original use as a CW for potentially upsetting toots. is using it as a subject line now or commonly appropriate?

@Heffboom_Konijn Not really sure; that seems to vary per user. Certainly usage has gotten muddled. :-/

@emanate @Heffboom_Konijn I do both, depending on whether or not the contents warrant a full CW or whether they just need contextualization. Often I need to explain what frame in which a comment is being intended, without necessarily wanting to tell people "this is bad; don't look if this bothers you."

@orrery @emanate @Heffboom_Konijn I use it pretty much exactly as I used to use the cut tag back on LJ--trigger warning, long-post warning, you-might-not-be-interested-in-this-subject warning--and sometimes just to be silly, or because I want to make sure that the person reading is willing to make the minor investment of clicking a link before seeing what I wrote, rather than glancing across it randomly.

@green @orrery @emanate @Heffboom_Konijn one thing I've seen done is people actually writing out "CW: whatever" in the cw line when it actually is an especially serious business warning

@starkatt @green @orrery @emanate ya ^^ what I was saying was using the phrase “CW: whatever” for a serious topic. thats no bueno but anything else should be pretty good

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