tech dystopia
"hmm, the open office thing we're doing to save money is causing focus problems, what's the solution"
"put the cubicles back?"
"don't work employees for 8+ hour days?"
"horse blinders but for people?"
"YES. HORSE BLINDERS. joe i always knew you were the ideas guy around here"
tech dystopia
@RadioAngel @typhlosion Hiring preference for geldings because they’re less likely to do anything that would cause a harassment lawsuit
Re: tech dystopia
@typhlosion Cursed! Cursed! This whole thread is cursed!
re: tech dystopia
@typhlosion I literally cant even capitalism right now...
tech dystopia
@typhlosion Just wait til you see the 'wage cage' Amazon patented... Or the Walmart patented listening devices that dock employees... Or the Amazon wrist devices that measure work through the amount a worker moves their arms all day... Capitalism is evil.