kf (nothing specific happened)
this includes buying into kiwifarms-supported conspiracy theories about my friends, even if the eerily context-free sources you provide me claim not to get their info (which always sounds eerily like kiwifarms talking points) from kiwifarms
do your fucking research
entertain the idea that you might be wrong
they drove some of my friends out of their fucking homes. this is not a game. there are real stakes
kf (nothing specific happened), subtoot, im pissed
if at any point you think "well kiwifarms is heinous but they Also go after Actually bad people so they're Sometimes ok" then
1. read up on stochastic terrorism
2. consider whether you actually have the credible information you need to tell definitively who's "Actually bad"
3. never try to be friends with me. hell, avoid being in the same room as me, because you make me uncomfortable
re: kf (nothing specific happened), subtoot, im pissed
@typhlosion i hate that people seem to jump directly to punitive measures
punitive justice is what you do when rehabilitative justice fails. it is not the first step