duolingo 100 day streak, long post
100 days is a little over three months. i've been using duolingo for just that long, learning japanese with basically no prior knowledge, and i've been amazed at how much progress i've made
in that timespan, i went from being vaguely scared by japanese writing to being able to read kana and some basic kanji (kinda slowly) with no help. it's an indescribably nice feeling when i see a piece of text in japanese and can actually understand what it says
i'm also starting to get to where i can understand a spoken sentence without having it written down or repeated to me
learning a language is really worth the effort. i can't stress enough how much that sense of progress has offset what's otherwise shaping up to be a kind of rotten year for me
here's an invite link if you wanna try it too: https://invite.duolingo.com/BDHTZTB5CWWKTOZZV46BDNYGUM?v=sm
duolingo 100 day streak, long post
@typhlosion oh! congrats!! 100 days is a pretty big deal
i feel like you're gonna really have a lot of fun when you get to a point where you can read longer-form text~ ^^
re: duolingo 100 day streak, long post
@typhlosion this is so cool and it’s awesome you’re learning this!
u are the language Typh