fursonas, pics, 🐯
It dawns on me that some of you have never seen The Empress of Mars* in her full glory, and I ran across these images while tidying up my desktop. Both pics are by the gracious and talented @anthracite. The first is our old threesome with @acetone_kitten; the second is Rezeya's current, manticore form, which I earned fair and square by paying my own damn rent for the first time in this relationship. *blush*
There is no need to avert thine eyes, small tasty mortal! Her Majesty has tikka masala on the way and is barely even hungry! 😽
fursonas, pics, 🐯
@zebratron2084 @anthracite I wanna hug the kittytaur! yay vivid colors clearly advertising danger! yay pointy teeth and claws and horns! yay boobies! I am totally sure this is a safe plan and not a massive display of poor judgment and missing self-preservation instinct.
re: fursonas, pics, 🐯
@kistaro @anthracite Tch, Mars is nothing if not civilized! *proves as much by putting your head in her jaws and NOT crushing it* =^_^=
re: fursonas, pics, 🐯
@zebratron2084 @anthracite yay! gentle teeth-hugs!
fursonas, pics, 🐯
I mean also, dragon. All those claws can give scritchies that get through the immense damage absorption.
fursonas, pics, 🐯
@zebratron2084 @anthracite @acetone_kitten “Battle Cat” color scheme?
re: fursonas, pics, 🐯
@Leucrotta @anthracite Peg picked the color scheme so most likely not intentionally!
fursonas, pics, 🐯
@Leucrotta @zebratron2084 @acetone_kitten
Weren't they, like, green or something?
fursonas, pics, 🐯
@zebratron2084 Fantastic pictures.
I grant I'm an easy touch for a nice pair of antennas myself.