Quick shot in the dark:
Postfurry at its core is about pulling the "Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra" trick on your own psyche.
We already know that unitary identity is a neurological trick, and human consciousness is multi-layered. But our vocabulary for these things is shit.
Living out your furry identities gives you a powerful narrative shorthand for talking about nuanced inner states-- states that would be very clumsy (and dull) to explain in great literal detail.
@zebratron2084 Well that certainly summed things up very succinctly
So, if I'm reading you correctly -- it's gamifying the dull slog of working through issues towards desired cathartic outcomes? O_o
That is a fascinating (and personally resonant and terrifying) take and I'm kind of shocked to see it laid out in plain language, it just -- seems really clear now.
Huh. Thank you.