mortality; personal stuff; plea for assistance
My Uncle Bob just died. I just got the phone call. Mom was wrecked.
I was already in bad shape over other stuff. Bob and I weren't super-close, and as far as that goes I'm okay. It's still hitting. But it's devastating my mom and stepdad, and I might have to be spending a lot of emotional resources on other people's sanity.
I don't have those resources right now. I don't know where to turn for help regaining them. Peg is doing all she can, but...
mortality; personal stuff; plea for assistance
@zebratron2084 by all means, let me know if I can help in any way. also after today I'm *pretty sure* I'm not actually coming down with anything, so if my presence can help tomorrow I'd be happy to show up. after that it gets... dicey until next week, as mentioned. ;]
mortality; personal stuff; plea for assistance
@green It's cool, I might get snatched back to Ohio at any moment-- we don't even know what happened yet, let alone any arrangements or travel plans. We'll figure it out soon! And thank you. <3
mortality; personal stuff; plea for assistance
@zebratron2084 If there is anything I can do, please let me know. *the_huggings*
mortality; personal stuff; plea for assistance
@Momentrabbit Thanks, darlin'. You've already given me someone to pray to. *solemn hug*
mortality; personal stuff; plea for assistance
@Momentrabbit And she says back, in her own infinite serenity, "Sweetie, you know I can't do nothin' about it." And I say, "I know, Antler Mom. I know. You don't have to. You're there." *hug*
mortality; personal stuff; plea for assistance
...she's not really involved directly in the things that were already upsetting me. I might need to get a lot of personal baggage about myself and my social circle sorted really fast, because if I have to deal with that on top of everything else... nothing good is going to come of it for anyone, including some family who really needs the best version of me around right now.
I need a lot of help patching up a lot of stuff, fast.