people(/demipeople) stuff
Everything is so eerily... normal this morning. Everyone's been supportive but low-key, I'm having no trouble joking around with people, it's like nothing has really changed. Except there's this enormous, unyielding black censor bar over a part of my life that was recently very important, and is now completely barred from my view. It is, to borrow a painfully familiar image, like a big glitch in the Matrix. And things just warp around it, like they do. Will I forget too?
people(/demipeople) stuff
@zebratron2084 *huggings* May the good memories remain, and the bad fade.
people(/demipeople) stuff
Let the record show that the thought of forgetting all about them triggered my first really good cry over this. Nothing else has moved me, but for some reason the idea of forever losing the whole emotional tickertape, good and bad, was too much to take.