Freezing my account for a "harassment campaign" was cute.

They can say anything about me and mine, but anything said about them is wrong, bad, evil.

How many more are they going to have to keep silent as they go on, I wonder? When I back off until they try to fuck over people I know again, because apparently they can't help themselves on that front, others are going to come forward as they're hurt.

Hazel got blocked from speaking up for me and revealing receipts in a discord chat she shared.

Willow got banned from the discord embassy, in spite of saying nothing there. She was the most hurt victim in all of this. Like, what the fuck?

Alice and Freya, got their accounts frozen.

Oh, we're the clique here, riiiiiiiiight. Narrative control tactics are obvious ffs.

I *survived* the Seattle scene.

Fuck this bullshit.

This is how vulnerable victims are treated. There were vulnerable victims before me, there are after, and I see how they're handled.

I've seen the bullying.

This is why I hated school, goddamn.

My family is stronger than ever in spite of our abuse because we came together and empowered each other.

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