My Birthday cake from yesterday!
Penguins would die for their waifus! Would you?
Gaining more evidence for my theory that cats harness heat in order to regenerate and extend their lifespans. Healthy 18yo cat.
How do i level/train my gay stat?
i want to unlock the ultimate Rainbow beam ability!
Tran surgery planning, funding and considering crowd funding
Im a STEM educated trans women with 2 degrees trying to find work atm (which is hard, very few jobs in my field despite Masters degree).
I am currently living off welfare and i have managed to start saving for surgery by cutting back spending on myself etc so i may be able to afford the surgery within a year, however i do have other costs such as medications for HRT, electrolysis etc.
Wondering if i should consider crowdfunding? 2/2
Tran surgery planning, funding and considering crowd funding
Im hoping to get a Bilateral orchiectomy within the next 12 months atm.
im looking at about 3.5k AUD for the surgery (not sure if this is before or after public+private insurance rebates need to confirm). There is also the costs of flying interstate twice for the consult + surgery and paying for accommodation which i still need to work out a rough estimate.
Science and Technology enthusiast. Online Privacy advocate! Australian Republic supporter. Medical Science Graduate at UTS. Lefty. Transgender. Likes Art!