I may just be speaking from a position of privilege though, as I have no problem with remote learning. I'm proficient at using a computer and it's basically an extension of myself at this point.
Other people may not be able to say the same and they might need to attend in-person.
And so here I am today, spending about two hours in public transport every weekday to go and sit in a chair, open my laptop and do the Exact Same Thing I would do at home.
Remote learning was a blessing for me. It saved me all of that and brought me neat extras like waking up at a reasonable hour and going through my backlog of media to consume in an efficient manner.
It's sad that my institution never learned how to leverage these advantages.
My education is defined by the activities I perform and the experience I gain, no matter the place. Especially when studying something so apt for remote learning as comp sci.
I fucking despise wasting money and time (12+ hours a week!) on nothing but useless time.
22 | programmer + linux user | también hablo español | twitter social-hopper