@owashii@plush.city @rey yes, this has been there for as long as we've been on here (2017)
@rey @owashii@plush.city glitchfork removed that in favor of a separate dropdown menu for it, which is much better UI in our opinion
@Tathar i didn't realize you didn't know about those! i assumed you were asking because the thickness of an adjustable wrench would mean it wouldn't fit
@Tathar especially if you have a set of imperial wrench sizes and then find one nut that's a metric size
@Tathar you can't get as much torque out of them as a normal wrench because of slop in the adjustment mechanism, and they're a bit thicker than normal wrenches, but they're handy to have
@Tathar Pliers can be used as a wrench in a pinch but it's not remotely what they're for. this is an adjustable wrench:
@Tathar maybe an adjustable wrench then?
@solarmerps yeah lenses are surprisingly expensive
wait until you need ones that are transmissive and apochromatic iin the infrared or ultraviolet
@relee we don't want spoilers but i can understand how they feel, it's probably similar to how we feel about majora's mask 3d
@Tathar https://www.northerntool.com/images/product/2000x2000/617/61768_2000x2000.jpg ii'm thinking of something like this, they come in different sizes with different numbers of wrenches
@Tathar depending on how the wrench needs to be used, you can also get a socket set and use them with a cheap handle that lets you use them like a screwdriver
@Tathar Wrenches can be bought in sets that take up about the same amount of space as a thin textbook, and the cheap ones are like $20 or $30 iwrc
Pliers just don't take up that much space at all and aren't very expensive, get a half decent pair from home depot or whatever and you should be good to go
re: hot beverage preparation question
@packbat we'll also use a coffee maker to boil water if we're in a hotel room and don't have other options or something though, and we really want tea
re: hot beverage preparation question
@packbat we don't like hot beverages after burning our tongue on them far too many times, but we'll use a microwave (for single cups) or stovetop (for making a quart or two) to make tea destined to become iced tea, so voted for those
@iBolt07 you need a passport, and dependiing on the country you may also need a visa
you definitely need permission of the country you're going to, but unless they have reason to be suspicious (in this context, being a member of any minority group, unfortunately, counts, if you get a bad security officer. airport security is known for being racist quite a lot) they aren't likely to refuse you entry
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