estelle has some of the best lines, really

anyone else remember this gum? i dunno if it existed outside the US but we just remembered rainbow zebra mascot for no apparent reason

@noiob just got this error message, not sure if it's something you should be aware of? all we did is send a DM (and it was received)

screenshot of a youtube recommendation, 2 

this one feels like the kind of thing that has a really obvious answer??

though i guess it maybe wouldn't be obvious for anyone just learning the periodic table now? considering that now it "looks finished" with the latest additions of nihonium through oganesson filling out an entire period


screenshot of weird youtube recommendation 

why is youtube recommending this to us? why is this even a video?? this is like the least video-able thing

this glitched in an amusing way, we have no idea how this happened

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fast food 

wendys i know you try to make your burgers look taller in the product photos but this is ridiculous

also that's a *lot* of meat, wendy's patties are ¼ pound iwrc so that's ¾ of a pound of meat. gotta be really hungry to eat all that

Did one of these that was going around, and got The Nice Number™

this is not counting states we've flown over in a plane; the move from Alabama to Oregon was all by car and *far* too long.

dragon quest has good gryphons. they have three eyes!

we just learned that this exists and i would like to ask: why

(images sourced from ebay listings and )


i don't... know if we want to try this or not

best description we've seen of FuSoYa's knocked-out sprite (from )


cinnabon's gotten a new tagline since the last time we saw anything about them

hey @ziphi, we finally got around to doing this like we said 💚

Still love this piece, thank you for giving us permission to get it printed

pictured: how to know an 80s - 90s video game will be Pretty Good

@squirrellilly Here's what I was talking about! J-E-N-O-V-A but arranged for Famicom (+VRC6 expansion chip, same one used in Castlevania 3 for instance)


sometimes, you see a question on stackexchange that just makes you wonder what on earth it's asking

opus magnum, no spoilers 

oh no, chirality....

Opus magnum solution spoilers, no image description 

@avie I found an old solution we had to Mist of Incapacitation that i like a lot better than the one we showed you the other day, thought you might like to see it too

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