re: Tales of the Abyss, spoilers
@socks yeah!!!!! the final boss music in abyss is just. really good, how it brings in the grand fonic hymn
@dogo what are these two?
@rey @ca_dmv_bot sometimes, we see one of these that's just completely baffling
what the fuck is duck butter
@DarkOverord i don't see anything about a flying pikachu code?
@DarkOverord aa! where do you get these codes?
@DarkOverord bonuses?
re: piece of software that I'm rotating in my head
@codl though yeah you'd need something more involved if you want to look at stuff when all you have available is visual
re: piece of software that I'm rotating in my head
@codl randomizer trackers work like this, they hook into the memory of the emulator and watch game information
you could do something similar with anything else running on a computer
@hi_cial these are still good dragons!
@mossmeow i mean we can't say for sure about knitting machines because this was all stuff for stress-testing electronics that we've bought from there, but yeah
@mossmeow ebay (for used ones) and bespoke industrial equipment sales sites are usually better for those
we've gotten a number of pieces of industrial equipment from ebay, actually (for work, naturally)
@NovaSquirrel It's always neat to see things that take a system not designed to display arbitrary graphics and use weird hacks to make them display arbitrary graphics (like doom on snes, or the game boy camera, both of which hack non-tile-based graphics into a tile-based system)
@LexYeen At least it's relatively easy to store, it doesn't attack glass
@LexYeen It's so easy to make that there really isn't any point in storing it (also it's just as hard to store as concentrated hydrogen peroxide and you can avoid having two bottles of something that just constantly produces oxygen by just making it as needed)
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