interesting tidbit we learned yesterday, mention of genitals
The Noric language, a continental Celtic language, is only attested in two short inscriptions, the only complete one of which contains the personal name Artebudz, which is thought to mean "bear penis".
This means that the Noric word for dick is one of the dozen or so words attested in the language.
I would go with treecko if it was possible to evolve before the postgame because well we played PMD Sky, it's hard to play that game and not feel some emotional connection to grovyle
and vulpix and growlithe aren't options so I can't have Rosemary as my partner as I'd planned
so do I go with mudkip, treecko, snivy, riolu, totodile... D:
they're also really, really cheap; one we found on amazon is a ten pack for $15
that might be worth getting honestly
mh, slight -, intrusive thoughts
me: time to go get lunch, how about that hamburger place
brain: hey remember that time you did a thing that was slightly weird but not wrong? wanna feel guilty about it even though you apologized to the person and they said they didn't even remember it happening?
me: what, no, don't
brain: time to feel guilty about that!
6. favorite food: uhhhh probably a good Italian dish, could be pasta or just a really well-prepared chicken breast with sauce or something
okay apparently this thing from yesterday got likes but I didn't see them so here:
1. name: Felþry! It's me. Also spelled Felthry.
2. species: Fireweasel
3. gender/sexuality: *extreme levels of shrugging*
4. interests: electrical engineering, fantasy, video game music, learning in general
5. dislikes: uhh lots of things. bigots, stress, dirty things, fps games, onions
today we learned that this is a thing.
I think you can probably understand why I might mix them up and think that Ursus arctos arctos is the polar bear, right?
this is a repost to fix an erroneous earlier version of this post, where I mistakenly said that bear bear bear was the polar bear, when it is actually the brown bear
Plural system of three, Felthry, Alaric and Rosemary. We'll sign posts with a -F, -A, or -R.
Autistic, 20-something, anxious mess
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