"Viking hordes" = "viker gangs"
thought: steel is such a common material for tools because, primarily, of the abundance of iron; it's the most abundant metal. As such, a lot of research has gone into making tools and structures out of iron and iron-based alloys.
But what materials would tools and structures be made of if given an unlimited amount of any ores you want? (you have to smelt, alloy, and forge them yourself though) If iron didn't have the advantage of abundance, what would tools have been made of instead?
character thoughts
Two-headed striped hyena taur
doesn't give a fuck about (their own) gender--doesn't know what it is and doesn't care enough to try to find out
A blacksmith, in a modern-leaning setting. They mostly make props for theatre, renaissance fairs, battle reenactments, and collector's items, as well as art pieces
Some flavor of plural, but on the "mostly a singlet" end of the spectrum
Two or four arms? undecided
Wears glasses, but only on one head.
Possibly works with Darius (Aditi's brother who does machining)--co-owners of the forge/workshop? possibly also partners??
re: plural thoughts
this isn't really a change or anything, incidentally. we're still the same people we have been, just identifying more bits of identity we found lying around the brain
plural thoughts
sometimes it feels like there may be more than just two of us in here, but that the majority of them are... "instances of" either Felthry or Rosemary
because there are times where it feels like we switched, but it's still the same person fronting, just... suddenly different things seem appealing and the things we were previously engrossed in seem a bit bland
it's like we're a system of two median systems or something
thought of the day: exactly how practical a weapon would shovel knight's shovel be, anyway
a bladed shovel seems like it could do some real damage but also it's not exactly the easiest thing to use and you couldn't really swing it very quickly, it'd be kind of like a double-bladed bardiche maybe? or somewhere between a bardiche and a partisan
Plural system of three, Felthry, Alaric and Rosemary. We'll sign posts with a -F, -A, or -R.
Autistic, 20-something, anxious mess
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#FelthrysVGMSelection for my music picks.
Current avatar by @hi_cial