assistance request, paypal link (--)
please, we desperately need help making rent - both last month's and this month's
if we lose this home... it'll destroy us.
mh -
oh i know why we're feeling so bad about this class lately
imposter syndrome
we feel like we have no idea what we're doing even though we *do* and just homework requirements are not being adequately explained so we're left feeling unsure of what the hell we're supposed to do--we can do it, just it's not clear what we should do
Minifloofderg gave me an early hatchday present, a plush me :3
her upload is here, and there's links to NSFW versions there too
hugs and snuggles are *very* welcome!
pol-ish, possibly controversial opinion
i've realized that we don't really have any respect for people in the military, probably because the only wars or other military action we've known of in our lifetime have been for not-very-good causes like "we want your oil"
a lot of people seem to have a lot of respect for military people and I guess to us it just feels like they're fighting for a cause we disagree with (at least US military stuff, anyway)
okay there's a post going around about sped up moon landing footage and something is weird with it because it just straight-up crashes this browser whenever it comes onto my home column (and before it crashes, the gif in it flickers like hell in a way that would *probably* set off photosensitive epilepsy....)
I have no idea what's wrong with it but something is and oof
like what is the physical difference between the discs that makes the drive (or driver?) limit the speed to 3x for some and not others
assistance request, paypal link
Hey, it's my hatchday tomorrow and it'd be really, really awesome if I could get some help paying bills rent, and grocery money this month as a birthday present. We're a bit behind because the beginning of the month was a bit rougher than we expected.
Plural system of three, Felthry, Alaric and Rosemary. We'll sign posts with a -F, -A, or -R.
Autistic, 20-something, anxious mess
Please introduce yourself before sending a follow request.
#FelthrysVGMSelection for my music picks.
Current avatar by @hi_cial