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its purpose could easily be filled by a copper cable but optical fiber is Cool™er

it's not very good optical fiber which means it's cheap, too

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i like toslink because its entire reason for existing is "hey optical fiber is cool, let's use it for this thing even though it's the 90s and we don't have the technology to do it well yet"

on the topic of things that are never gonna happen, how about Belius as an assist trophy too

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while we're talking about quadrupedal characters, why not throw Repede in there too. Repede is good.

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I do have other characters we'd love to see, but none that have to our knowledge been on a nintendo console, which is a prerequisite for being in smash as far as we can tell

Virginia Maxwell (Wild Arms 3) or Ryou (Suikoden II) would be fantastic characters to mix things up but they've never been on a nintendo system

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ooh, Amaterasu would be a neat one to see too

plus it'd mean you get to play as two gods in smash

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I guess half of these are just more sword fighters though so I can see there might be a problem

in the case of the ToS characters yeah that's pretty true

But I would also counter that by saying: Isaac and Felix have pretty unique magic at their disposal

And then Django and Sabata would of *course* get their gun del sol and gun del hell respectively

as for spyro: hey, he's just a dragon. breathes fire and all that.

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somehow i've gotten into watching super smash bros youtube videos

and now it has me thinking about characters i really hope get added

- Lloyd and/or Kratos from Tales of Symphonia (they play differently in the source game but I could see kratos as a lloyd echo fighter)
- Isaac and/or Felix from Golden Sun (definitely could be echo fighters)
- Django from the Boktai series (hey, Sabata could be an echo fighter here too!)
- A pretty unique one: Spyro?

amazon link, but useful thing at a really good price 

so uh, I just found out that this flash drive we bought for $40 a while ago is now going for $25, now supports USB 3.1, and it's *128 GB in size*. which is completely absurd at that price point.

We remember when $25 netted you a nice 256 MB usb 2.0 flash drive

the Hearth :ms_agender_flag: boosted

CW your shitposts if you're going to include genitals or body fluids.

AMD and nvidia seem to have always been pretty neck-and-neck in terms of GPU performance, with the deciding difference often being that AMD's drivers are often less stable and prone to crashing

which is a shame because AMD is absolutely the best big tech company out there right now morals-wise. fortunately they're currently also beating the hell out of Intel in every regard except mobile processors and something about memory controllers? though still trailing behind nvidia gpu-wise

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explaining the joke re: completely pointless, possibly misleading graphic 

nvidia and amd follow completely different naming schemes. The AMD RX 580 came out in 2017 and is roughly equivalent in power to nvidia's contemporary GTX 1060. nvidia's GTX 580 came out at the end of 2010 and its AMD competitor at the time was the Radeon HD 6970 which had a similar price point and very similar performance

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completely pointless, possibly misleading graphic 

looks like AMD makes a better 580 than nvidia by far

re: major spoilers for suikoden 2 probably 

there are probably other examples it just really amuses me to have a narrow category that includes both suikoden 2 and kirby

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major spoilers for suikoden 2 probably 

Video games where the protagonist and antagonist are friends

- Kirby series
- Suikoden 2
- that's it, that's the whole list

everyone seems obsessed with Air Conditioning in New Hampshire lately

rambling thoughts on our spirituality, copied from a discord chat 

[10:57 AM] Felþry of the Hearth: A bit of a radical opinion here but i think in most cases of things like this, whether something is "real" or "not real" doesn't matter at all, what matters is whether it's useful, helpful, or even just comforting or fun to the person in question (as long as it's not hurting anyone else, of course)
[10:57 AM] Felþry of the Hearth: honestly that's kind of the core of our spirituality
[10:58 AM] Felþry of the Hearth: we don't know whether the things we believe in are true or false, but it's helpful and makes the world feel more comforting to think they are, so we choose to think they are
[10:59 AM] Felþry of the Hearth: whether they are or not (talking about our own spirituality here, not spirituality in general) doesn't ultimately matter compared to the effect that treating them as real has on our psyche
[11:00 AM] Felþry of the Hearth: hell, we don't even have names for the things we believe in or even any set-in-stone set of beliefs, just. it helps to be mindful of the world around you and animism always feels nice
[11:01 AM] Felþry of the Hearth: it's... Important to be respectful of things, even inanimate things, I guess, is the core of our belief system
[11:02 AM] Felþry of the Hearth: Not out of any belief that they'll pay you back or do something for you that they wouldn't otherwise, just that they're inherently deserving of respect and shouldn't be wasted

our pharmacy has the worst hold music ever

not only is the music playing from what sounds like a badly damaged 8-track tape and periodically cuts out entirely, but the "we're sorry, our staff is answering other calls. please hold on and we'll be with you shortly" message plays every 22 seconds (I timed it), which is *far* too often

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