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we keep learning about things, usually foods, that are so common here but are completely unheard-of in other parts of the world

like apparently a key lime pie just isn't a thing in europe

fiducial sounds almost like a pasta

fiducialli or something

really just not looking forward to going to work tomorrow

mild nsfw, multi, weird 

thinking about being three-legged and three-breasted.... three's just such a good number of things to have

extra small
insufficient small
extra medium
insufficient large
extra large


"sputtering" is a very appropriate name for what it is, i think

the Hearth :ms_agender_flag: boosted

Character design thoughts (long) (the basics) 

So, I was talking elsewhere to people about a character I've had for a very long time, one of my favorite character concepts yet one who I've not yet managed to really write out a world around.

Aditi, aka Aaron, is a two-bodied ferrets. He has two complete bodies, independent and not physically connected in any way. This led to some awkwardness growing up; until she was around four or five years old, her parents thought he was twins, and had been raising him as such. Multi-bodied individuals are not unheard of in this setting, but they're sufficiently uncommon that it just wasn't something Aditi's parents really considered a possibility at first.

Being raised as two people simultaneously had some effects on her mentality. For one, as he was raised simultaneously as a boy and as a girl (one of his bodies is afab, and the other amab), she manages to be genderqueer and nonbinary (bigender, specifically, both male and female at once, but emphatically not something in between or half-and-half) and yet also technically kind of cis at the same time.

This, incidentally, is why the pronouns are weird here. He uses both she/her and he/him semi-randomly intermixed. It's also why he has two names.

While she has one "male" body and one "female" body, she doesn't generally care that much about gendered presentation, and dresses both bodies from the same wardrobe. He does have an eye for fashion, making sure to look good, but she doesn't go out of his way to keep the masculine outfits on her masculine body--he can absolutely look fantastic in a dress whichever body wears it.

Aditi is technically still legally considered two people, mostly because she just can't be bothered to go through the whole process of getting that updated. It doesn't generally cause problems.

mh - 

hm. sometimes we feel really envious of things other people can do easily that we can't do without significant struggle, if we can at all

i don't really know how to address this--it's definitely an us problem though, not anything anyone else is doing wrong

why are we still awake, it's nearly midnight

the Hearth :ms_agender_flag: boosted

I just keep wanting to draw my fursonas sitting in libraries reading. I am not sure if this is a reaction to lingering stress from Hurricane Ida and maybe also Katrina PTSD it dredged up, a reaction to finally getting enough shelves in our place to unpack all the books I shipped down from Seattle, both of the above, or something else.

There are at least two cats in this drawing. And probably at least one more of these images coming.

Process notes are

you know how you can use various fruits and vegetables for the electrolyte in a simple electrochemical cell

i just had a thought and i'm annoyed that i know enough about chemistry to know that it's incredibly impractical: pickle metal hydride battery


the Hearth :ms_agender_flag: boosted

if you've never considered being a taur:

maybe try it sometime? it's nice

just kinda been thinking about how it'd feel to have multiple heads a lot today

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consider: dragons... with several heads


just realized how "name all the final fantasy games off the top of your head(s) without looking it up" sounds like an easy challenge considering the series just uses numbers but

then you think about the side games and X-2s and whatnot

and who would ever think to include final fantasy iv -interlude- without looking it up?

does anyone remember that before crisis -final fantasy vii- existed?

does final fantasy vii remake count as a separate game than the original or not?


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