- insist on including workarounds for hardware bugs that exist in very specific, obsolete, and possibly nonexistent processors
it's kind of weird how no one but nintendo ever managed to get any success out of the portable video games market
sure $1 each might seem fairly cheap but a functional 8-bit cpu will need several hundred minimum, possibly a few thousand
answered someone's shitpost that I read as two serious questions one of which involved a word I wasn't familiar with so I answered the first one and now I feel like a bit of a jerk or something because it turns out they were riffing off of a meme i'm not familiar with in conjunction with a location from a video game i'm not familiar with
Plural system of three, Felthry, Alaric and Rosemary. We'll sign posts with a -F, -A, or -R.
Autistic, 20-something, anxious mess
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