I wouldn't be surprised if there's a real-world spiritual tradition that has something similar to this
re: ffxiv complain, now a request
withdrew and re-registered because I'm quite sure something is just _stuck_ or something, we've not once seen the tank registration number go above zero, even as th eothers fluctuated
re: ffxiv complain, now a request
okay a hundred minutes is a ridiculous time to wait for something, can two people please queue up for urth's fount as a tank
re: ffxiv complain
we have now been waiting for seventy-five minutes on something htat initially estimated a wait time of twenty minutes
this is very frustrating
re: ffxiv complain
it has now been three times the initial estimate of 20 minutes and I am really fed up with this
re: ffxiv
it was going too fast to even ask people to slow down because the method of inputting things with a controller and not a keyboard is awkward as hell
re: ffxiv
well that was very overwhelming, I had no idea what was going on at all, and no one waited for cutscenes so I was left behind all the time
I don't like these big dungeons
re: ffxiv spoilers for level 50-ish content, plot inconsistencies
and I don't even get the option to tell him of his organization's fate if he did somehow escape it
Plural system of three, Felthry, Alaric and Rosemary. We'll sign posts with a -F, -A, or -R.
Autistic, 20-something, anxious mess
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