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we chose a really bad time to move to oregon

why do people seem to be talking about Dune

it feels weird because we literally just finished reading the book again, it was a good long book for a car trip

we are.

not moved in, but moved in *enough* that we have internet and stuff

i wonder how many instances there have been of multiple people playing the exact same game of chess, making the exact same moves

there are clearly some, since there are things like the fool's mate that's over really quickly and consist of abusing knowledge of the tactics new players learn

the Hearth :ms_agender_flag: boosted

Thinking about cyborg and synthetic character designs got me wondering how I'd feel about a synthetic body compared to a biological one.
Some character ideas fell out of that, so I spent a few hours sketching some of them.

mathematics, death (historical) 

what is it with famous, amazing mathematicians and dying way too young

think where the field of mathematics could be right now if Srinivasa Ramanujan had lived to be even just 60 (he died at 32)

or if Évariste Galois hadn't died in a duel at the age of 19

the Hearth :ms_agender_flag: boosted

David Graeber "On the Invention of Money", anthropology 

"Anthropologists gradually fanned out into the world and began directly observing how economies where money was not used (or anyway, not used for everyday transactions) actually worked.

What they discovered was an at first bewildering variety of arrangements, ranging from competitive gift-giving to communal stockpiling to places where economic relations centered on neighbors trying to guess each other’s dreams. What they never found was any place, anywhere, where economic relations between members of community took the form economists predicted: “I’ll give you twenty chickens for that cow.”

Hence in the definitive anthropological work on the subject, Cambridge anthropology professor Caroline Humphrey concludes, “No example of a barter economy, pure and simple, has ever been described, let alone the emergence from it of money; all available ethnography suggests that there never has been such a thing”"

what, @monorail changed her display name? what is happening

I see that boop and yes you are a very good sergaltaurs

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I have no idea what I learned from this poll but it sure was something

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are springs always made of spring steel or can you make springy aluminum alloys or something?


it seems like our new headmate is pretty solidly here now... still doesn't have a name or much of an idea of their gender or anything but i think they're planning on holding off on that until after the move (which I appreciate, the move is a lot to deal with)

Rose is with them in back right now, not sure what they're doing, maybe zhe's just being a comforting presence? that is a thing zhe does a lot after all. Love you, Rose. 💚

going to be starting the moving process tomorrow.... stressssss

their "volume" as a fraction of that of the hypercube gets smaller and smaller to the point that in 24 dimensions, the best possible way to pack hyperspheres together (which was proven to be the best possible in 2017) fills only 0.19% of space with hyperspheres and all the rest is empty

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higher dimensional spheres are so weird to think about


the Hearth :ms_agender_flag: boosted

I don’t think autism parents like my mom can even begin to imagine communities of care that make it possible to allow autistic children to be “not normal”.

Many autistic people, speaking or nonspeaking, very blatantly need 24/7 care, in ways that are incompatible with a culture where productivity and profit and property are everything.

The idea that autistic people and their caretakers ought to simply receive the money and resources they need, no conditions of working at a “job” attached, is considered absurd even by people who desperately need those resources.

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