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the Hearth :ms_agender_flag: boosted @packbat @chr Yeah that's what I find a bit of a leap--I suspect some single academic paper is being used as a source for all of those sources, and that paper is either being misquoted or wrong (or *maybe* right but that feels like a real leap of logic)


@packbat @chr i'm having a hard time believing that the "testicle" sense comes from "witness"; that feels like a really tenuous link

it could be a case of unrelated morphemes converging into homographs though

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is it just something our brain made up or is it actually true that the word "testify" shares an etymology with "testicle" and originated from a custom of swearing on one's genitals

the Hearth :ms_agender_flag: boosted

anyone know of any composers pumping out non-eurocentric fantasy music? don't get me wrong, i'm down with some bagpipes and pennywhistles but there just has to be more out there

i like it when a video game's canon gay relationship between characters that's never explicitly stated but *come on* is more obvious than the actual story that's being explained in text

yes i'm thinking of tales of vesperia

rita and estelle are absolutely in lesbians with each other

if you answer more, please elaborate

that's a lot of spaces for a tab, what kind of language do you use?

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tab width (in a monospaced editor)

i want to just have a friend laying across my lap for me to idly pet

or snuggling with me that's also good

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you ever just find yourself randomly incessantly thinking about fluffy friends' fur and how soft they are

you might be able to achieve really high blocking voltages in pretty small packages using such technology, for instance

i don't know that it would be better than SiC though

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The existence of microbolometer arrays implies that we probably have the technology to make micro-scale vacuum tubes

i wonder if anyone will ever find a use for that

today, i have learned that there is a line of undergarments (lingerie?) that goes by the brand L-space

discworld fans can probably find some kind of reference here

the Hearth :ms_agender_flag: boosted
the Hearth :ms_agender_flag: boosted

re: genitals, kinda lewd 

big, thick tails that end in similarly big, thick equine dicks........

i'm talking *big* too like over half a meter diameter dicks

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re: genitals, kinda lewd 

also if i get to just decide things: null groin other than the balls to nuzzle and biiiig tailcock

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genitals, kinda lewd 

i just want to snuggle up to a friend's huge boobs and huge balls is that too much to ask

re: less implied, also brain stuff? re: nsfw implied 

but i don't have anyone right now who is both comfortable with brain stuff like that and also open to that kind of casual stuff

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less implied, also brain stuff? re: nsfw implied 

i think what i really want right now is to just cuddle fluffy friends in a lewd-but-not-sex way, and maybe also have my brain removed and played with and maybe replaced with another one because right now i want to give this one a break and also just getting a chance to play with mental modification stuff that i never get a chance to

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